A developing area

Actuarial science is under constant development due to an ever-changing risk landscape, in which new risks arise in connection with, for example, climate change, epidemics, and information technology, which also include growing data volumes and data processing options. Regardless of whether you are an actuary or, in other ways, work with risks, a continuing training course in actuarial mathematics can bring you to the forefront of tomorrow’s challenges and up to date with the development in the subject field.

Classical and modern methods

The continuing training courses offer basic and specialised knowledge within insurance and financial economics, which is relevant to insurance and pension. You can also learn how programming and machine learning can be used as new problem-solving tools.

Customised courses

Are you looking for a course on actuarial mathematics that matches the needs of your company or organisation?

Courses can be customised and organised to enhance your employees’ skills within a specific area of your interest and that matches your reality.


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